Atomic codes

I had some fun today trying to figure out why Banner likes to hang around with .NET so much so it wouldn’t even leave. I found out that while being destroyed, something tries to send messages to the main dialog. But the main dialog is busy with destroying the banner. I added exactly two iterations of the famous win32 message loop and everything started working. I still don’t know why those messages are sent or why it’s so important they’ll be answered before the banner is destroyed or even why it happens just with the .NET installer. And don’t even ask about different synchronization methods that make it tick. So far, I’ve found only smoke signals and the fire extinguisher won’t last much longer.

Of all the signals, I liked the message loop the most. It actually points to something I’ve done wrong. I’ve starved the main dialog’s thread while creating a modeless dialog as its child. That’s why I dug in further into those two iterations of the loop and those two messages that it processes. It turns out both of them had the same identifier – 0xc0c3. Now that’s no regular WM_ message… That’s a message registered with RegisterWindowMessage. But which message is it? That’s where the fun starts. There’s no GetRegisteredWindowMessage API available and nothing on the topic comes out on Google.

So with no leads to follow I started digging. Normally, to give a certain string a specific value in Windows, an atom is created. And indeed, 0xc0c3 is in the range of named atoms. To make things even simpler, in WINE, RegisterWindowMessage simply calls GlobalAddAtom, casts ATOM to UINT and returns. Great, then GetAtomName or GlobalGetAtomName should do the trick. Only reality isn’t as bright as WINE would like us to think. It turns out RegisterWindowMessage uses a different atom table for its messages. But which atom table and how can you even specify a table with GetAtomName?

To specify a table, a low-level access to RtlLookupAtomInAtomTable is required. But that function is deep inside ntoskrnl.exe. So, up one level and you get NtUserGetAtomName which uses the same atom table as NtUserAddAtom which is the function RegisterWindowMessage calls. But that’s inside win32k.sys… Luckily, user32.dll already handles that. It has a stub that calls NtUserGetAtomName at 0x7E41FA8E. Some playing around with the second parameter which turns out to be UNICODE_STRING and the atomic table is in hands’ reach.

Engines off, coding fingers down, digging complete and the message name is MSUIM.Msg.Private. That too gets little to none results on Google, but who cares… Debugging is fun 🙂

For any of you who’d ever want to convert a registered message into a readable name, here’s the NSIS code. Replace 0xc0c3 with the message identifier and 0x7E41FA8E with user32!NtUserGetAtomName and you’re good to go.

# the atom
StrCpy $2 0xc0c3
;System::Call user32::RegisterWindowMessage(t'test_message')i.r2
System::Alloc 1008
Pop $R0
StrCpy $R1 0
StrCpy $R2 1000
IntOp $R3 $R0 + 8
System::Call *$R0(&i2R1,&i2R2,iR3)
# call NtUserGetAtomName
System::Call ::0x7E41FA8E(ir2,iR0)i.r1?e
System::Call *$R0(&i2.r4,&i2.r3,w.r0)
# print details
DetailPrint "user atom's name is $0"
DetailPrint "length is $4 (???)"
DetailPrint "NtUserGetAtomName returned $1"
Pop $1
DetailPrint "GetLastError() = $1"
# done
System::Free $R0

8 thoughts on “Atomic codes

  1. Note the presence of RtlLookupAtomInAtomTable in ntdll.dll. It’s even exported:

    C:WINDOWSsystem32>dumpbin /exports ntdll.dll | findstr RtlLookupAtomInAtomTable
    703 2BB 00028436 RtlLookupAtomInAtomTable = _RtlLookupAtomInAtomTable@12

    It seems like it would be desirable to implement atom name lookup as a Windbg extension. Indeed, the debugger could use a boost in the whole USER/GDI department, to complement Spy++.

  2. Right you are… Should have thought of that. Though on retrospect, calling NtUserGetAtomName is better since you’d need to get the atom table handle from win32k.sys anyway. Unless I missed some export for that as well 🙂

  3. Hmm…
    Since user32!RegisterWindowMessageW just goes ahead and calls user32!NtUserRegisterWindowMessage and the latter immediately dispatches a win32k system call, presumably the USER atom table in question is not accessible from user-mode, otherwise the ntdll lookup function would have been used.
    Anyway, your System plug-in code is totally illegible 🙂 Almost as bad as Perl.

  4. Can you write something intersting to me for crying out loud i dont really understand these code battles yes i know you will delete this from this thread but at least got you doing something , enjoy it and life while your at it. ido.

  5. Did it eat my for loop ? No preview here, lets try again…

    If you had asked on IRC I could have told you about a dirty little way to figure out the name of a registered message.

    To dump all registered messages, do :
    for (unsigned i=0xc000;i “LESSTHAN”=0xFFFF; ++i) if (GetClipboardFormatName(i,buf,ARRAYSIZE(buf)) …

    I used this to figure out the messages used by the media center tray helper app.

    I guess they figured they could save some mem by using the same table for both (Global class names are stored here aswell)

  6. Ido, I wish.

    Anders, that’s a nifty little trick. Haven’t thought of using another function that manipulates the same atom table.

  7. I’ll shot myself in the leg if i’ll spent another 3 minutes trying to understand all these calls:

    i think i should look thru the system.txt to get back into these funny syntax rules 🙂
    gj, anyway

  8. GetClipboardFormatName() returns the name of the atom that was registered by RegisterWindowMessage().

    Don’t ask why 😉


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